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"Still Sexy"

I'm in my thirty's and still sexy... forties and still sexy... fifties and still sexy... sixties and still sexy... seventies and still sexy... eighties and still sexy... nineties and still sexy.

I'm one hundred years young and still beautiful, healthy... and sexy.

"I don't know how you do it... with all that you've got going on.
Working all the time, you've got so much on your mind; how do you find time to stay so fine? You're still sexy!"

These are lyrics from a new single by yours truly, celebrating that one illusive quality that seems to stupefy most of the "civilized" world - sexy.

Sexy is the one word that can make a mega star like Denzel blush while still defining an icon like Sidney Portier.

Sexy is the single quality that will spark a woman's desire to spend thousands of dollars to undergo sometimes risky cosmetic surgery to alter her appearance.

Ironically, all the surgery in the world does not buy for you that quality that legends like Lena Horne or Nancy Wilson possess. They've just got "it!"

Whatever "it" is is timeless!

"It" defies age, gender, race, nationality, religion and complexion.

What is often overlooked by those anxious to go on the "shop-till you drop" shopping spree is that sexy even defies physical appearance.

Sexy isn't guaranteed with a gym membership in spite of what their ads promise.

One of the most popular marketing campaigns of the last ten years is the sexy full figured woman. Big can be sexy!

The entertainment industry is the driving force behind our perceptions of all things "hot" - another name for sexy. We obsess over looks and appearances.

The first topic of discussion after singer Ruben Studdard's American Idol win was how much weight he must lose in order to be successful.

The weight discussion continued with contestant Jennifer Hudson a few seasons later.

That all stopped when she proceeded to land a leading role in Dream Girls and scoop up every major entertainment award in the Western hemisphere.

Ruben and Jennifer are uniquely gifted but they are also sexy.

More than one popular public figure has included Barak Obama's "good looks" in his list of political attributes.

The interesting thing about this is that the comments were most often made by other men.

Do they think he's sexy? More important; does that make him a more formidable challenger?

The music industry would be in for a real shocker if they discovered that candidate Obama could sing like Smokey Robinson or Sam Cooke. Imagine that!

A real American Idol in the West Wing.

Far fetched? Ronald Reagan was a movie star and JFK and Bill Clinton were both noted for "rock star" good looks.

How many women do you know that are as pretty as Tyra Banks, just not as sexy?

How many do you know that are sexier than Tyra?

Perhaps sexy is an interesting combination of appearance and perceptions. Maybe its confidence and a positive attitude - maybe it's more.

Is charisma the same as sexy?

Some folks think smart people are sexy.

Are attractive and sexy synonymous?

Is it possible to be sexy in the pulpit? How about that one for your next Bible study class?

These are questions that I find interesting; some are even fun. Most of them have no single definitive answer but are worthy of a moment or two of consideration or some good coffee break chit chat.

What I do know for certain is that in order to truly enjoy your own sexiness for years to come you have to take care of not just your body, but also you mind and spirit.

How many more of our loved ones do we have to watch slowly succumb to high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer before we decide to drive past the local neighborhood equivalent of the crack house – the fast food drive through.

That comparison may sound extreme but which one do you think is slowing killing more of us - crack or fried chicken?

Take a look in your fridge or your trash can or the back seat of your car and you may see evidence of just such an establishment even if it's just an unused napkin.

How many of our best and brightest have to make Breaking News headlines like Yolanda King or Gerald Levert before we sound the wake up call to Change or Die as the Atlanta author, Alan Deutschman's new book title suggests? (

Skip the drive through and go to the market; stand in the aisle and read the label; read a book on organic; read a book on your body as a temple - another good topic for Bible study.

Talk about your family health history at the next barbeque; both physical and mental health. Find out not just who had diabetes but also who was depressed and on medication for it.

Find out exactly who died of what causes, not to frighten you but to inform you.

Author Rebecca Linder Hintze offers several deeply insightful discussions of family impact on our lifestyle choices in her "Healing Your Family History - 5 Steps to Break Free of Destructive Patterns."

One thing I do know about sexy is that you can't possess that quality if you don't love yourself on some level.

You can't walk like a peacock if you feel like a pigeon.

The second thing I do know about sexy is that it is not obvious, it is subtle. One shouldn't try to be sexy.

In fact, when you go out of your way to appear sexy is when you risk looking silly.

Somehow the universe sees you trying to be sexy and just at the moment when you're really turning it on high is when you trip over that crack in the sidewalk that you didn't see and go flying - not very sexy... but hilarious.

Love yourself!

Unless you're on stage or on camera don't flaunt yourself but love yourself; there is a difference.

To truly love yourself you must know yourself, study yourself and be thankful to God for you.

Read the Bible, read the Koran, read the Secret, read whatever you have to read to dig deeper into the real you; not the TV version of you. Tina Turner became a Buddhist and look at her now.

The better you, you become the more likely someone will find you sexy, even if it is just you; after all, that's what mirrors are for.

We want to hear it from you this time regarding this topic that touches us all at one time or another in life, to one extent or another.

Please submit your most compelling "Still Sexy" story about your significant other, family member or friend to the Dallas Weekly. The "best" stories will be printed in the Dallas Weekly and posted on for other readers to enjoy.

Of course I will also provide you with a free download of the single "Still Sexy" and a T-shirt bearing the same title.

I want you to be 101 years old, beautiful, healthy and you guessed it… still sexy.

Article also published in
Dallas Weekly

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